The new vice-minister of the Investment and Export Network (Rediex), Javier Viveros, mentioned that one of the challenges that his department has in 2025 is to enhance the added value of the products that are produced, which will help Paraguay grow a little faster.

He added that, although this intention will not happen in the short term, this Government has already begun with initiatives that seek to revitalize key sectors and attract strategic investments.

One of these important steps is the promotion of Paraguay as an attractive destination for large investors. He indicated that the country has a powerful country brand ambassador like the President of the Republic, Santiago Peña, who always talks about what Paraguay is and the advantages for landing foreign capital. In addition, he said that Rediex has around 100 country brand companies and about 70 country brand ambassadors, who help project the positive image of the country around the world.

The Vice Minister said that Paraguay exports approximately USD 10.000 billion annually outside the energy sector, making it a focus of interest for foreign investors who are not only looking for short-term returns, but also to establish permanent operations. “The advantages offered by special regimes, such as maquila and free trade zones, position the country as a gateway to Mercosur and other regional markets,” he said.

Attention to investors

According to its head, Rediex plans to attract investments and, in the first phase, to provide training to public officials, both municipal and state, on issues related to the attention, guidance and comprehensive advice to investors who come to different institutions, seeking information about the country and the advantages of establishing their businesses. In the second phase, training will also be provided to exporters who are seeking to export for the first time.

In addition, the Network, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is working together on an economic agenda that includes economic diplomacy as a tool to strengthen Paraguay's presence in international markets.


Source: Industry and commerce ministry