macroeconomic discipline
Paraguay is currently a solid economy. According to the World Bank (WB), it achieved an average annual growth of 3,7% between 2006 and 2022, due to its good internal dynamics and good macroeconomic management. According to data from the Central Bank of Paraguay, the local Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased more than 50%.
Monetary policy remained consistent with inflation targets. The Central Bank of Paraguay maintained inflation (measured by the variation of the Consumer Price Index - CPI), below the range established as a goal of 4%, where the rate for the year 2022 was located at 8,1%.
Paraguay also has a low level of public debt (31,30% of GDP). With the implementation of the Law for the Modernization and Simplification of the National Tax System, which contemplates an increase in both the tax base and the rates, it is expected to increase the collection rates.
According to the BCP report, the net flow of Direct Investment (Foreign) in Paraguay was positive in 2021 and reached USD 7.045 million in balances. By economic activity, it is worth noting the significant increase in net DI flows in various activities, such as transportation, oil production, financial intermediation, and trade. In recent years, Paraguay has received Direct Investment from a growing number of countries. Currently, it comes mainly from investors residing in the United States, the Netherlands and Brazil. Other countries that have expanded their position in the ID of Paraguay have been Chile, Argentina and Uruguay. The increase in the number of direct investor countries in the country is notable, which from 20 in 2008 has increased to 42 in 2021.