Growing economic diversification
The Paraguayan economy has traditionally been based on primary production, particularly agricultural and livestock production, with a thriving commercial sector, where the export of products such as soybeans, grains and beef, as well as the production and export of electricity, in addition to re-exporting, play an important role.
However, in recent years an important process of productive transformation towards goods with higher added value has begun. The country registers a growing industrial production of non-traditional and agro-industrial manufactured products.
The growing diversification of the Paraguayan economy allowed the year 2019 to maintain its result of the previous year with a variation rate of 0% in the midst of an adverse climatic and commercial context that affected agricultural and energy production.
The diversification of the Paraguayan economy is also reflected in the composition of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) where the Manufacturing sector is the one that contributes the most with a percentage of 19,7%, followed by the Commerce sector with 11,6%. The new industrialization that Paraguay is undergoing has made it an economy that is resilient to external shocks from its largest trading partners and neighbors (Brazil and Argentina).